Exchange Supply
Exchange Supply
The sum held by an exchange at the end of that interval.
Name | MetricID | Unit | Interval |
Bitfinex Supply (native units) | SplyBFXNtv | Native units | 1 day |
Bitfinex Supply (USD) | SplyBFXUSD | USD | 1 day |
BitMEX Supply (native units) | SplyBMXNtv | Native units | 1 day |
BitMEX Supply (USD) | SplyBMXUSD | USD | 1 day |
Binance Supply (native units) | SplyBNBNtv | Native units | 1 day |
Binance Supply (USD) | SplyBNBUSD | USD | 1 day |
Bitstamp Supply (native units) | SplyBSPNtv | Native units | 1 day |
Bitstamp Supply (USD) | SplyBSPUSD | USD | 1 day |
Bittrex Supply (native units) | SplyBTXNtv | Native units | 1 day |
Bittrex Supply (USD) | SplyBTXUSD | USD | 1 day |
Exchange Supply (native units) | SplyExNtv | Native units | 1 day |
Exchange Supply (USD) | SplyExUSD | USD | 1 day |
Gemini Supply (native units) | SplyGEMNtv | Native units | 1 day |
Gemini Supply (USD) | SplyGEMUSD | USD | 1 day |
Huobi Supply (native units) | SplyHUONtv | Native units | 1 day |
Huobi Supply (USD) | SplyHUOUSD | USD | 1 day |
Kraken Supply (native units) | SplyKRKNtv | Native units | 1 day |
Kraken Supply (USD) | SplyKRKUSD | USD | 1 day |
Poloniex Supply (native units) | SplyPOLNtv | Native units | 1 day |
Poloniex Supply (USD) | SplyPOLUSD | USD | 1 day |
All wallets (hot and cold) are considered to count towards the supply held by an exchange.
This metric should be seen as an underestimation of the actual figure, as our heuristics and sources might not discover all addresses owned by an exchange.
USD metrics computed as SplyBFXNtv * PriceUSD.
includes the balances of all addresses we have flagged as being controlled by an exchange, even if our coverage of the exchange is not complete.
Asset-Specific Details
This metric might not be available for all assets. Either that exchange doesn’t support this asset (BitMEX only trades in BTC for example), or we deemed that our coverage of the exchange was not complete enough to release the metric for it.
Release History
Released in the 4.0 release of NDP
Availability for Assets
API Endpoints
Exchange Supply metrics can be accessed using these endpoints:
and by passing in the metric ID's Sply{Exchange}*
in the metrics
Last updated