Balance Updates
Balance updates represent the change in the balance of an account. If the change is greater-or-equal to 0, it is considered a credit. Otherwise, it is considered a debit. In certain circumstances, there can be 0-valued balance updates (used to represent 0 fee transactions, for example, which were frequent in Bitcoin's early history).
The Balance Updates endpoint returns a list of accounts, which have the following fields:
Field | Description |
block_hash | Hash of block containing the transaction affecting the balance |
height | Height of the block containing the transaction affecting the balance |
consensus_time | Consensus timestamp; always increases monotonically |
chain_sequence_number | Global sequence number or ordering of this update relative to all other updates recorded on the ledger up until this point |
account | Account receiving a balance change |
account_creation_height | Block height at account creation |
change | Balance change after this update |
previous_balance | Balance of the account prior to the application of this update |
new_balance | Balance of the account after this update |
Order of this update inside the transaction that contains it | |
previous_n_debits | Number of times this account has been debited prior to this update |
previous_n_credits | Number of times this account has been credited prior to this update |
transaction_hash | Hash of the transaction containing the balance update |
previous_debit_height | Block height of the last debit from this account (null if no prior debit) |
previous_credit_height | Block height of the last credit from this account (null if no prior credit) |
previous_chain_sequence_number | The positioning of the last transaction that took place for this account relative to all other transactions that have taken place on this chain |
Last updated